Capitect provides advisors the ability to set up a document vault. Advisors can create folders and upload documents at the firm level for all clients, additionally, folders and documents can be added at the client level for documents specific to individual clients.
Firm-Level Document Folder/File
Go to Documents → click 'Add +' → click 'New Folder/Update File'
Folders/Files added here will appear in the list under Firm-Wide documents and all clients will have access to these folders and files. You can create folders for Reports, ADV, Etc...
You can also create a billing invoice folder at the firm level.
If you have TD Ameritrade as a custodian, you can create a folder for TD statements and tax documents.
Client Level Document Folder/File
From Clients → click 'client view' next to the client → Documents → click 'Add +' → click 'New Folder/Upload File'
Client folders and files allow advisors and their clients to share documents specific to the household (reports, statements, tax documents, etc...).
Document Sharing
Once a document is added to a folder, it will create a unique URL that will require a user to log in to access the document location. This is useful to avoid sharing sensitive documents over email.
Open the desired document folder → click on the file you are sharing → copy the URL that appears in your address bar. This is the unique URL for that document.